An I.O.U. from a Billionaire Page 9
“I’m so sorry, baby. That must have been so terrifying.” Alise undressed from her wet clothes in a strip tease that didn’t hold his attention.
Doesn’t this woman comprehend what I’m saying? I almost lost Cole!
Alise nodded. “I was jealous but now that I know it’s just gratitude that has you hosting her here, I will be the gracious host with you.”
Liam clenched his fists.
How the hell do I get myself into these situations?
“We don’t have to babysit her the whole night, do we?”
Liam exhaled. “I’m not in the mood for this. I need to be there for Cole. Do you understand?”
Alise shook her head. “Of course, baby. Whatever you need.”
“Apparently, I have a call to make to your father.”
“I’ll meet you downstairs.” Liam got on the phone and made the call that began with an outraged Mr. Crenshaw but once he got the truth of the situation across, Mr. Crenshaw deflated.
He cleared his throat in Liam’s ear. “You know the deal we were discussing was very generous on my part. Do you know why I was so generous with you, Liam?”
“I assume it’s because the profit you’ve made so far with me has something to do with it.”
“Business is business, Liam. I am being generous because I like seeing my girl with you. A man who can provide for her the way she’s used to being provided for.”
“I’d rather keep our personal lives out of our business.”
Mr. Crenshaw laughed. “I got an offer for four times what you’ve offered me. This is more than just business. I’ll see you in LA, Liam.”
Liam hung up the phone and sank down into the chair. It was ridiculous to be getting upset about the spot he was in. Alise was his girlfriend. The deal would be signed and finished in less than a month. It wasn’t like he was dating Alise because he needed any favors.
Alise was a sexy bonus. No reason to change his point of view now.
“Looks like someone is going to have to be nice to me. Doesn’t it?”
When Liam reached the entertainment room, it was just in time to see Joan take the last bite of chocolate. Her eyes were closed, and the smile on her face was so relaxed and happy she looked like she really might be seeing the gates of heaven.
“Mmm,” she said with her eyes still closed. Her pink tongue slid to the corner of her mouth and he followed the motion.
His pants felt tight watching her.
“Maleficent is back,” Cole said looking directly at Alise.
“Colt, you’re always trying to paint me a villain. One day you might come to regret that.”
Cole looked over at Liam. “Really? She won’t like these movies. All she watches are chick flicks. She can’t even remember my name.”
“I know your name silly. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. Give me a chance.”
“I have. You talked all through….” Cole continued to argue with Alise but Liam was lost watching Joan. She’d shielded herself from the outside world and was still closing her eyes with a delighted expression on her face.
When she did open her eyes she ignored Alise’s presence and took a seat next to Hansen.
Alise sat down next to Joan.
Joan gave her a look that did not hide what she thought of Alise. Liam found himself ready to laugh but held it in when Alise gave him a look that reminded him of the crazy look an ax murderer might wear.
“I am sorry if I was a little rude before. I get a little jealous when it comes to my Liam. He’s assured me there is nothing between you except gratitude and I can see why.” Alise looked at Joan’s hair pointedly. “Saving Cole’s life? That’s amazing.”
Joan, true to her poker face skills, did not flinch. “I can’t help it. I’m just amazing.”
“Joan, I wonder if you’d prefer to relax on your own. I have bubble bath salts and oils I think you would quite enjoy.” Hansen offered.
“I’d really like to see The Frisco Kid unless we’re not watching it anymore?”
Liam still standing next to Cole was stiff with indecision. Alise would talk all through the movie as she always did. She would continue to belittle Joan. It was what women like Alise did as a career. Joan didn’t deserve to have to suffer Alise’s jealousy.
Seeing them sitting side by side was distasteful to Liam because somehow Alise looked like a cheap hooker when she was sitting by Joan.
“I remember watching Pretty Woman with you in here, Liam. Remember that?” Alise asked him.
Not great timing, Alise.
“I’m going to bed,” Cole said. “Goodnight, Joan. Goodnight, Hansen.” He glared at Liam and shouldered past him. “Way to kill the evening.”
Hansen started the movie and seated himself once again next to Joan.
Liam sat down next to Alise trying not to be bothered by her stunt today with her father.
Alise commented on apparel and then voice pitch of the actors. She compared Joan’s hair to Gene Wilders at one point when she’d failed to ruffle Joan’s feathers otherwise.
Joan made it about halfway through the movie before she gave in. “I think you missed your calling as a commentator, Alise,” Joan said as she stood.
“Quite.” Hansen agreed sharing Joan’s smile.
“I’m going to turn in. Goodnight, everyone.” She gave Hansen a hug and left barely sparing Liam a glance.
There went any headway I made with Joan.
“I don’t talk that much. Do I?” Alise asked him, pouting out her lips like a duck. Liam watched her, ashamed to admit to himself that at one point he’d actually found her pouty lips cute.
“It is getting late. You should eat. I can reheat some of the roast we ate.”
“Let me do that. I have a surprise for you anyway. Meet you in our room.” She stood close to him again pressing her breasts against his chest. “I bet I still taste like chocolate.”
Alise took hold of his ears, kissing him and twisting his ears painfully as she wrapped herself around him. “Ouch.” Liam complained pulling back. “What are you doing?”
“I’m just reminding you who your woman is.” She had that crazy look on her face again.
“Uh… okay.”
Liam took hold of her shoulders, not ready to endure another reminder. “I’m tired. Go get something to eat.”
Liam jogged up the stairs to his room and shed his polo shirt. This deal was going to make him a lot of money. Enduring Alise’s strange jealous behavior was worth it. He’d speed up the negotiations and end things with Alise.
The connecting bathroom’s running water stopped and Joan’s singing broke through his concentration. She was singing “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” by Meghan Trainor.
Approaching the closed door, he leaned on the door frame, smiling as he listened to her sing. Her voice was beautiful even it if wasn’t always perfectly in key, and it was endearing the way she sang the chorus over and over again.
When Liam was confident he’d picked the perfect charming thing to say, he knocked on the door.
Silence fell making him smile bigger. He could just picture her big-eyed staring at the door.
“Who is it?”
Liam leaned on the door opening his mouth to give her the perfect line he’d thought of. The door pushed open and he landed hard on the marble floor.
Raising his head, he met her wide eyes over the mountain of bubbles in the bathtub. He was quite certain his eyes were open just as wide. “I’m so sorry. I thought it was locked.”
“Me too,” Joan said her eyes still wide. “Get out.”
Liam touched his nose where he’d smacked it against the hard floor and felt the heated wetness. “I’m bleeding.”
“I don’t care. I’m naked. Get out.”
“It’s fine. I’m not looking at you.”
Joan’s right brow raised. “You’re looking right at me.”
“Forgive me, I’m a little dazed from my face dive into the marble floor.”
“You’re still
looking at me and you’re not forgiven. Get out!”
Liam used the counter to stand up. “It’s too full of bubbles for me to see more than your shoulders and neck.”
And the twin swells of the tops of her breasts.
Joan threw the soap hitting him in the eye. “Get out.”
“Right.” He grabbed one of the hand towels and pressed it to his nose. “Shit that hurt.” He pushed the door closed and sat on the end of his bed. His eye was stinging but there was no way he was going to return to the bathroom to wash it out.
You picked the perfect time to suddenly become an accident-prone oaf, Liam.
When the bathroom door opened again, Joan was bundled in a robe and slippers. She smelled of lilac scented bubble bath. Her hair, still wet, wasn’t standing on end at the moment. It hung in long shiny curls. “I’m sorry about the soap. Are you okay?”
His eye was watering, still burning like he’d stuck a lit match into it. “Fine.”
“You don’t look fine. Do you need medical attention?”
Liam laughed. “I’m starting to think I need my head examined. I don’t know how we ended up here. I owe you yet another apology. I didn’t mean to walk in on you. I’m sorry for Alise. She is a very nice person she just—”
“It’s really none of my business, Liam.”
“She shouldn’t have acted the way she did.”
Joan met his gaze at last with the slightest softening in her cloudy blue eyes.
The door pushed open from the hallway. Alise stood there wearing a red lace bra and thong with a red silk robe open to reveal a surgically enhanced figure. “Surprise.” Alise squealed with a smile. “I didn’t know it was going to be a threesome. You naughty boy.”
“Nope. No threesome. Excuse me please. I’m off to bed,” Joan said. “You two deserve each other.” She added probably knowing her words would echo in his mind the rest of the night. He watched Joan cross through the bathroom through blurry vision. She closed the door to her room. A telltale click and doorknob check sounded.
Standing he went into the bathroom and washed the soap from his eye. Alise snuggled up to him when he got into bed. Surprised she wasn’t going to throw a fit he put his arm around her. Just as he was starting to fall asleep firm fingers pinched his sore nose and twisted harshly.
“What the hell, Alise?” Liam demanded sitting up and holding his nose.
“That will teach you to bring another woman into our room. Goodnight, sweetheart.” She laid down, put her arm across his lap, and closed her eyes with a smile on her face.
She’s crazy.
For a moment there she’d actually thought he’d meant it.
Joan, of course he’s playing you with his apologies. A threesome? What an asshole.
Pulling back the covers she slid into silk sheets that made her moan with pleasure. She wiggled, moving her naked body against the cool material that was a caress over her heated skin.
Joan felt burned by Liam. Foolish for believing he might be different. Alise was one of many he probably had on standby, women who were up for group sex and who knew what else?
Closing her eyes, she accepted the fact that Liam was just like every other man with power. He was a self-serving dick with money and nothing more.
She willed herself to sleep.
Joan dreamt of Liam and woke annoyed that he’d not only invaded her life, he’d invaded her dreams.
Is there no place I can escape him?
A knock wrapped at her door.
Oh shit. What time is it?
Light was coming in through the windows.
“Who is it?” she asked realizing it was stupid even as she asked. She wasn’t fit to let anyone in her room at the moment.
“Breakfast.” It was Liam’s voice.
“Shit.” She threw back the covers and searched the room for the robe. “I’ll be down in a minute.” Liam’s soft laughter on the other side made her face burn like he could see her.
Another soft knock sounded. “I brought it up. I wanted to talk with you for a moment – just the two of us.”
“I don’t see why that’s necessary. I’m dressing anyway.”
“It didn’t stop you from opening the door wearing nothing but a towel back at your hotel.”
Joan glared at the door. “You’ve got a lot of nerve. I’ll give you that.” She went to the closet hoping for another robe and found her pink V-neck tee and jeans on a hanger with a mesh bag containing her panties and bra.
Oh thank Hansen!
In a hurry, she shimmied into her clothes, tied the broken hairband together and wound her wild curly fro into a ponytail. There was no way she was going to face Liam with morning breath, so she headed for the bathroom.
When she opened the door and saw another person on the other side of it, she thrust her hands forward instinctively, giving Alise a shove two steps back.
“You scared me.”
“I’ll do more than that if you don’t stop chasing Liam,” Alise whispered. “I know where it hurts and that’s where I push.”
Joan straightened her shoulders. Alise didn’t appear all that together mentally and so Joan wanted to make it clear to Alise that messing with her wasn’t in her best interest. “I know where and what to inject to take your life without anyone ever suspecting you were murdered.”
Joan waited for her words to sink in and for Alise to back off. Instead she asked, “Where?”
Joan pulled the door closed. That woman was short too many marbles to be dealt with. Liam stood outside her door when she opened it. “Your crazy girlfriend is in the bathroom.”
“Why would you say crazy? She’s not crazy.”
Joan held her hands up. “Right, when rich people are crazy they’re called eccentric. Whatever.”
“I need to talk to you. Are you going to just storm off?”
“That depends. Are you apologizing for trying to get me to do a threesome with you and Alise or trying to buy me off again?”
Liam hissed out a breath. “You’re so determined to be mad. Apologizing to you is pointless.”
Joan exhaled. “You’re right. We’ve done the apology thing. Is there anything else?” Joan put the strap of her purse over her shoulder. Liam looked miserable and she suddenly felt sorry for him. “Look, you put me up here. I appreciate it. You’re giving me a ride in the helicopter home, so all is well. Okay?”
Liam nodded, his jaw tight, and the line of his mouth turned downward. “Hansen prepared breakfast.”
She nodded, not sure what else to say, and took the stairs to the lower level. She found Cole at the breakfast table, frowning into a bowl of yogurt and fruit. “Not a fan of pineapple?” Joan sat down next to him.
Cole gave a weak smile and pushed his dirty blond hair from his eyes. “Who doesn’t love pineapple?” He glanced behind her and then returned his gaze to hers. “Liam talk you into using your I.O.U.?”
“I figured that was what he was up to.”
Hansen peeked in at them and then came into the breakfast room with a tray filled with more food than any seven people could eat. There were pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit, yogurt, oatmeal. It was too much.
“Hansen, are you married?” Joan asked him when he returned with another tray of coffee.
He smiled, setting a steaming cup and saucer in front of her. “No. I don’t think the life would suit me.”
Joan shook her head at him. “I don’t see that. You cook, you clean, you are funny, smart, handsome. What’s the problem?”
Hansen just smiled a knowing smile like Mona Lisa. Clearly there was something she didn’t know, but he didn’t look offended. She wasn’t going to pry if he didn’t want to share. Instead, she filled her plate, sugared her coffee, and started eating.
She listened to Hansen and Cole talk about school and the masquerade ball Mrs. Wainwright was in the midst of planning. Her mind bounced between work, the crazy bathroom events, and the present.
Liam arrived without Alise as everyone was finishing with breakfast. His frown still in place he asked, “Ready to head back to real life?”
Joan looked at him, his words stinging a bit. “Yes.” She nodded reminding herself that before she met Liam and Earl she had been very happy with the life she was living. It was fulfilling and worthwhile.
Cole sighed. “I’m not. Back to everyone either kissing my ass or trying to kick it? Oh yeah. Can’t wait.”
“Just wait till a new girl catches your eye. I hope you pick one worth your while this time.” Joan gave him a wink.
“I will.”
Hansen beamed behind him and mouthed the words “thank you” to Joan.
The helicopter ride to Phoenix was too loud to do much talking. He still felt like he owed her for Cole, like letting her leave without saying anything else was unfinished business. It was a feeling that ate at him like a regret he was already unable to live with. She wasn’t impressed with money and scoffed at his power and influence.
The looks Alise and Joan exchanged were like a silent battle that only the two of them could comprehend. Liam couldn’t tell who was winning, but he was betting on Joan. The looks she was directing at Alise were not unlike the ray through a magnifying glass that ignites a fire.
Alise combed her fingers through the back of his hair tugging on the most sensitive areas periodically. When he was fed up with her silent reminders that she was unhappy he was giving Joan a ride to Phoenix, he removed her hand from his hair tossing it into her own lap. Displeasure clear on his face.
With a smile on her face, she made a growling cat sound as if she liked seeing his anger.
What is wrong with this woman?
When they landed in Phoenix and Joan climbed out of the helicopter, he followed after her, even though she’d already said goodbye. Alise started to follow after him and he shut the door on her. She pressed her face against the window leaving a big red lipstick kiss on the glass.
Liam paused seeing what looked like an eyeless face on the glass made up of an overabundance of foundation and heavy lipstick. Alise smiling behind the smeared image on the glass. He suppressed the grimace knowing she was watching.