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An I.O.U. from a Billionaire Page 10

  Liam turned away from the helicopter and ducked to catch up with Joan. He had to yell to be heard over the propellers, even though they were clear of them. “I wish you didn’t feel the need to prove how much better than me you think you are.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You are refusing to use the I.O.U. because you think it’ll teach me some kind of lesson. All I see is a woman too prideful to claim what she’s earned.”

  Joan was shaking her head with a bitter smile on her face. “I’m sorry you feel that way,” she said, her hair coming out of the ponytail with the wind. “Not everything is about you. I know you think so, but you’re wrong. Your ego is so huge I’m surprised we were all able to fit together in the helicopter.”

  “It’s not my ego I’m worried about. You’re going to change your mind. When you call me, try not to choke on all that self-righteous pride of yours.”

  Joan met his challenging gaze with her hands on her hips. No sign of doubt or intimidation in her flashing cloudy blue eyes. “Don’t hold your breath waiting for my call. Oh, and since you seem to need reminding, watch out for Cole. He needs to keep on top of his asthma.”

  Her jab stung.

  She knew it too. He could see the remorse in her eyes even as she looked away. “Look, I’m not sorry. You had that coming.”

  “And I guess it’s your job to set me straight. Thanks. I promise I won’t hold it against you when you call in your I.O.U.”

  She started to leave again and he caught her arm. Liam opened her hand and placed another of his cards where he’d written his phone number and the letters I.O.U. on the back in her hand. “Now you have one to show your friends and one to use. You’re smart. A week from now, a month, a year, ten years, I don’t care how long. I know you will call. I’m looking forward to that conversation.”

  “Your judgment doesn’t concern me. Your selection of girlfriends assures me of that. You’ve seen Fatal Attraction, right?”

  Liam smiled. “Girlfriends come and go. I hope when you call it won’t be for legal representation. You be careful who you grab when the lights go out.”

  Joan’s cheeks flushed a pretty color of pink, her eyes flitting to his lower body and then sparked with fury meeting his. “It’s a good thing you have all that money to make up for so little.”

  Liam moved closer, his smile confident. “We both know that’s not true.”

  “Do we?” Joan smiled back. “Goodbye, Mr. Wainwright.”

  He stood on the tarmac staring after her.

  Damn that woman gets under my skin.

  The flight to Newport Beach, California was torturous. If he hadn’t promised Fran to return her son himself, Liam would have left Cole with Hansen and gone with Alise so he could meet with Mr. Crenshaw in person and get their business settled once and for all. Joke or not, that Fatal Attraction comment of Joan’s had his skin crawling.

  They landed on the helipad of the Wainwright manor. Unfortunately, it was not Fran awaiting their arrival, it was Tatum. His dark brown hair was whipping around in the wind. His usually serious expression was in place with that air of disapproval he wore better than their father. Tatum stood five inches over six feet and was lean.

  His love of surfing always kept Tatum’s skin bronzed, darkest on his forearms that were folded over his stomach. His thick brows were low, and his brown eyes squinted against the sunlight.

  “Good luck, Master Cole.” Hansen shut down the helicopter and removed the headgear. “I suspect you will get an earful from your mother and father too.”

  “This calls for a couple evening shots don’t you think, Hansen?”

  “I am not serving you alcohol now or any day before your twenty-first birthday, Master Cole.”

  Cole groaned as Tatum approached the helicopter. “Do you have any idea how worried you’ve made Mom and Dad?” he asked right away. “You put Hansen and Liam in danger too with the hurricane.”

  “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  “Damn right you won’t,” Tatum said and then pulled Cole into an embrace. “You do anything like this again without telling me first and I will pay off a judge to get you put on house arrest, ankle bracelet and all.”

  Cole laughed patting Tatum on the back. “Over the top, Tate. Over the top.”

  “I’m like that when it comes to our family.”

  Liam nodded. They were both overprotective of Cole. He was the family glue that held them all together. Whenever Tatum and Liam butted heads or went to war with their father, it was always Cole who was the peacemaker.

  “Way to go insulting the woman who saved his life by the way,” Liam said.

  “Who the hell hands over their phone to some stranger anyway?” Tatum countered. “Besides I’m sure you gave her a cash reward that soothed her ego.”

  Cole smiled. “Nope. She wouldn’t take anything. Not a dime. Just a thank you. Liam tried but she wouldn’t.”

  Tatum nodded to Hansen as he passed them. “What’s wrong with you, Liam? She saves our brother’s life and you can’t come up with a reward she would want?”

  Liam smiled. “Didn’t help you said she was entitled. You got her hackles raised and she’s not easily appeased.”

  Tatum raised his hands up in surrender. “She gave back as good as she got. I don’t think I’ve had anyone talk to me like that since I fired my accountant two years back.”

  The smile that won over Liam’s face this time was a knowing one. Joan could cut with that silver sharp tongue of hers. “I’m heading back to Phoenix after I hand Cole over to Fran.”

  “She must be pretty.”

  “She is,” Cole answered.

  Tatum grinned. “Gonna sweep her away to Italy like that blonde one you dated for a while.”

  “Sage Winstrom,” Liam supplied. “No. I’m not. Another day with her and we’d kill each other.”

  “It’s because Joan wouldn’t go. She’s not like the bimbo’s he usually goes for.”

  Tatum’s gaze turned scrutinizing. “Uh oh. This one might be for real, huh?”

  “It’s not like that at all. I'm not interested in her—” Liam denied but was cut off.

  “Who’s Joan?” Terrance Wainwright their father asked in his gruff voice as he strode out onto the helipad with Fran not far behind him. “This girl we’re paying off?”

  His dark blond hair was streaked heavily with white and his stride was long and purposeful. He embraced Cole and then stepped back. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Your mother and I have discussed your punishment. No allowance for three months and you will rise with the sun and help with the horses. After school and your homework is finished, you will assist Hansen in whatever task he asks of you. Is that clear? Perhaps with fewer free hours, you won’t find yourself searching online for a girlfriend.”

  “Terrance.” Fran scolded his name. “It’s not easy to find a girlfriend. Cole was tricked. He’s smart. I know he won’t let it happen again.” She put her arm around Cole and pulled him in for a tight hug. “Now let me take care of my baby boy.”

  “Maawwwmmm.” Cole whined, leaning into Fran.

  The two walked away and Liam could see that his father was waiting until they were out of earshot. “How close was it? I heard from Hansen this Taylor woman saved his life.”

  “I couldn’t find a pulse,” Liam said remembering the moment. “I was helpless to do anything for him. The inhaler wasn’t working for him. If she hadn’t been there, Dad, Cole wouldn’t be here today.”

  Terrance flexed his jaw as he nodded. “Thank God she was there. Where is she? I would like to thank her myself for saving my son.”

  “She’s in Phoenix. I’m returning there in a few days for business. I’ll tell her of your request to thank her in person.”

  Surely by then she’ll have come to her senses.

  “I’m glad you went and got him. I’m proud of you.” Terrance added. He cleared his throat. “Now about this Cr
enshaw business, how serious are things with you and Alise?”

  Liam cleared his throat considering his response. His father would not appreciate the ugly truth of his use of Alise in the deal he had going with her father. Until this moment, he hadn’t admitted to himself that he was using Alise. Now that the last of his attraction to her died with the makeup face print on the helicopter window, he should break up with her.

  He wasn’t going to break up with her, that would compromise the deal he was negotiating with her father. Therefore, there was no denying what he was doing. Somehow Joan’s disapproving expression popped into his mind’s eye infuriating him.

  “Why do you ask?” Liam shoved the image from his mind.

  “Her father called me wanting assurances that you aren’t dating anyone else. I told you Mr. Crenshaw is not an easy man to work with.”

  Liam nodded. He’d thought his father didn’t think much of his skill as a businessman at the time. Now he realized that his father was trying to warn him that the Crenshaws were not just difficult, they were crazy.

  Too late to back out now. I’m too heavily invested to call the whole thing off.

  “Alise is the only woman I’m dating at the moment.”

  “Good. Because Crenshaw could make things very difficult for both of us in the future if you were to piss him off. Finish your deal.”

  Tatum closed his eyes looking skyward. “Please don’t tell me you are dating Alise Crenshaw. She’s crazy.”

  “He is and he’s not going to screw around on her if he knows what’s good for his family. Right?” his father asked.

  Liam nodded easily. “There is no one else, and I’m only a week or two away from closing my deal. After that, Alise and I will end things consensually.”

  Terrance got that hard look on his face that was all business. “I hope you’re right about that. You’re a smart young man. When it comes to matters of the heart, however… you tend to struggle.”

  Liam laughed. “I think you’re confusing me with Tatum. I have no trouble being in a relationship.”

  “Yes but ending them has always been ugly.”

  Liam couldn’t argue. “I’ve got this. You don’t need to worry.”

  Terrance clapped Tatum on the back while giving Liam a nod. “Good. That’s all I needed to hear.” He strode away in the direction of Cole and Fran.

  “You should have never dated her in the first place,” Tatum said.

  “I told you so’s are your specialty I know, but if you could go ahead and shove them up your ass, I’d appreciate that.”

  Tatum laughed shaking his head. “Your charm must have dazzled Joan Taylor. Good luck, Liam.”


  Joan pulled on her scrubs as she gave her best friends and fellow nurses, Mae and Amanda, a quick rundown of her adventure. Amanda’s chocolate brown eyes were wide as she listened, her mocha skin rosy at her cheeks.

  Mae, on the other hand, was standing, chewing her lip and tapping her fingers at her thighs. Catching Mae in a sitting position was a rare sight. Her slim figure was a benefit of all her nervous energy. She wore her blonde hair in a high ponytail that bobbed as she nodded for Joan to continue with her explanation. “And then what?”

  “That’s it,” Joan said.

  “He didn’t kiss you? I could cut the sexual tension with a knife.”

  Joan rolled her eyes. “Were you even listening? The man is insufferable, arrogant, bossy, and rude. There was no sexual tension.”

  “You should call him up, pull out your I.O.U. and tell him you’d be collecting in sexual favors because, honey, you’ve got it bad for Mr. Moneybags,” Amanda said, tying the laces of her black Dansko shoes.

  Joan laughed. “Look at what I got myself into by dating Earl. I am about to go to the director’s office and fight for my job because of him. I’m not calling Liam for anything. Ever.”

  “No wonder you waited two days to fill us in, girl. Earl wasn’t about attraction. He was a calculated choice. One you thought was safe and smart.” Amanda pinned her in place with her no-nonsense look.

  Mae patted Joan’s shoulder. “She’s right. Watching you two together was like trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole.”

  Joan clipped her name badge to her mint green scrubs with a sigh. “Maybe so.” Joan closed her eyes pressing her palms against them. “I always thought I was smart but looking back at my actions the past month, I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”

  “Are you talking about grabbing his crotch?” Mae asked her eyes widening as her lips curved.

  Joan laughed. “No. I knew I shouldn’t have told you about that. What I’m saying is that I’m a workaholic nurse whose best offer most days is from some alcohol poisoned drunkie. But I love my job. I’m going to lose it.”

  “Stop coming up with excuses.” Mae handed the I.O.U. card back to Joan. “Call him. Tell him to save your job.”

  “How is he going to do that? Buy the hospital?”

  Mae smiled. “Bet he could afford it.”

  “He might be able to do something. Pull his strings and such. You know?” Amanda agreed with Mae.

  Joan shook her head. “It’s too late. I told him I didn’t want anything from him. I didn’t say it politely either.”

  “I can’t believe you got an I.O.U. from a billionaire and you aren’t going to use it,” Mae said. “If you want this job you have to fight for it.”

  “Think about it,” Amanda said. “And think fast.”

  Joan frowned closing her locker. “I really don’t see how he could help me.”

  The three of them left the dressing room. Amanda headed to sign in wishing her good luck. Amanda kept giving her that knowing look like she knew Joan was full of crap with her excuses.

  Director Wheatley had her door open when Joan arrived and signaled for her to come in. “Nurse Taylor, how are you?”

  Mae stepped to the side of the door and mouthed the words “good luck” as Joan walked into the office.

  “I’m here to fight the transfer.”

  Director Wheatley nodded. The ceiling light made her short, white hair shine. She picked up her glasses and tapped the folder on her desk with Joan’s name on it. “You have an impressive record. You are a great nurse and I didn’t need to look at your file to know that.” She stood and circled her desk. “That being said, we do frown upon dating coworkers for a reason. Dr. Grayson is on the board and when he wants a transfer it pretty much goes that way.”

  Joan felt her cheeks burning with the rage she felt. “He has no good reason to force me to leave. I made a mistake dating him but that was the only mistake I made, and it was in my personal life. I can promise that if you keep me here, Director Wheatley, I will not cause problems for you or Dr. Grayson.”

  She sighed. “I can suspend the transfer for two weeks. If you can change his mind.”

  Change his mind? His pride would never allow him to go back on what he’s already sworn to do.

  “What reason did he give for my transfer?”

  “Dr. Grayson went over my head. I got the order for the transfer from the board. The reason wasn’t given to me. Like I said, all I can do for you is give you two weeks to change his mind. Unless you’ve got some wealthy benefactor in your back pocket, this is your only option.”

  Joan cocked her head to the side. “What did you say?”

  “You’ll have to change his mind—”

  “No not that. You said if I have a wealthy benefactor in my pocket. What good would that do me?”

  Director Wheatley removed her glasses. “A donation by a wealthy benefactor and his undeniable connection to you would keep your job safe. President Little is pushing for donations. You know how much we need the expansion.”

  “What do you mean undeniable connection?”

  “President Little would need to know that you were the reason for the large donation and see that there would be future donations because of that connection. Otherwise, I’m afraid it will only
postpone your transfer. Dr. Grayson is pushing hard for the transfer.”

  A strong connection. I saved his brother that is strong enough right?

  “Director Wheatley?” Mae stepped into the office. “I couldn’t help overhearing. Joan wouldn’t tell you this herself, she wouldn’t want to upset Dr. Grayson, but she just got engaged to Liam Wainwright.”

  “Liam Wainwright? The son of Terrance Wainwright?”

  Joan shook her head vigorously. Fear shot through her and she rose to her feet. “No, no, no. Mae is mistaken—”

  “She’s protecting Dr. Grayson. The break was hard on him. Joan saved Liam’s brother’s life and this past weekend they were stranded together during the Florida hurricane. They fell in love and he asked her to marry him. Isn’t that so romantic?”

  “You saved his brother?” Director Wheatley asked her, with her hand at her heart.

  Joan stuttered as she tried to fix what Mae was starting. “Yes but—”

  “And then were stranded with him for the weekend?”

  “Yes, but—”

  Director Wheatley crossed the space embracing Joan. “That is the most romantic story I’ve ever heard. Where is your ring?” she asked raising Joan’s naked left hand.

  “The proposal happened so fast he didn’t have a ring,” Mae answered, smiling as Joan stared at her with disbelief.

  Are you insane?

  “This changes everything, Joan. Everything. Get your fiancé down here and I’ll make sure he meets with President Little. Finally, the right thing happens. I’m so happy for you dear. Congratulations!”

  Joan watched as tears rolled down Director Wheatley’s face, feeling helpless and lost. “Thank you,” came out of her mouth in an automatic response. “But wait. Isn’t it enough that I saved his brother? I don’t have to be engaged to him for this to work do I?”

  “I understand it’s not your nature to hurt people, you’re a healer, but Dr. Grayson isn’t. He’s after you. This engagement is destiny. Don’t you see?” She patted Joan’s hand. “Just get him here and leave the rest to me.” Director Wheatley returned to her desk and picked up her phone. “Have a great shift and let me know when he gets here.”