An I.O.U. from a Billionaire Read online

Page 8

  She was still laughing when he sat down next to her. Liam couldn’t remember the last time he was this nervous. It was unnatural for him. People usually went out of their way to gain favor with him.

  Joan wasn’t like most people.

  She knew who he was, and it didn’t change how she treated him or saw him from that first moment she’d insulted his driving to the present. His smile turned genuine as he thought of her in her pink boots and sassy expression.

  They laughed easily through Stir Crazy. Her laugh was a husky sound – sexy and contagious. More than once when she’d burst out laughing, she’d brought the rest of them into a fit of laughter with her.

  “Intermission.” Hansen announced as Stir Crazy ended. “I don’t know about you but I’ve got to stretch my legs.”

  Joan stood on her beautiful stems, stretching like a flower opening up to the sun. “Me too.”

  “You should give Fran a call.” Liam suggested to Cole as he enjoyed the view of Joan’s stretch. Hansen and Cole left the room leaving him alone with Joan.

  “Who is Fran?” she asked.

  “His mother.”

  Her light blue eyes lowered to look at him in his still seated position. “Your stepmother.”

  “Yes.” He stood holding her eyes as he did. “Would you like to take a tour? Good way to stretch our legs.”

  Joan looked around like she was searching for any reason to say no. “Sure.”

  Liam led her out of the entertainment room and into the living room. The wall of glass leading out to a covered balcony drew her attention and he stood next to her at the window. She looked out at the white, elaborate balustrade. He watched her reflection in the window.

  “Is it what you thought it would be like?” Liam asked.

  “Being here with you? No. I guess I assumed you’d be a party boy. I thought there would be a lot more women and drugs.”

  Liam smiled. “Don’t hold back or anything.”


  “Don’t be. If you met my father about fourteen years back, you would have been correct.”

  Joan followed a heavy raindrop down the glass with her gaze. “What changed?”

  “Fran. She was the one to tame Terrance Wainwright. That is something I didn’t think anyone would ever be able to do. Tatum’s mom tried before she fell into the life of drugs and alcohol. My mom tried too. I think she might have succeeded if she hadn’t passed away.”

  Joan met his gaze in the glass.

  “I am sorry you lost your mom.”

  She’d probably heard about the boating accident. The press had been all over the accident looking for any trace of foul play. When there wasn’t any they focused on the heartbreak of the family left behind.

  “Me too. It was a long time ago.” She was listening and so he kept going. “My father really got into the party scene when we lost my mom. He lost millions in the process. No one could get through to him. Not me. That was for sure.”

  Joan turned toward him, away from the glass wall.

  “Then he met Fran.” He smiled at Joan hoping to bring back her brilliant smile. Liam was rewarded with a soft dimpled curve of her full lips. “Hansen was hired to look after me when my father married Fran. I was such a little shit. I’m not sure how she found Hansen, but he’s kicked my butt back in line. Fran was the best thing that ever happened to my father.”

  “I’m glad he found her.”

  Why am I telling her this?

  “Me too.”

  “I can see you love Hansen and Cole. You have a great family, at least the ones I’ve met. You’ve made your billions. What’s next?”

  Liam didn’t know if she’d sensed his discomfort or was avoiding her own, but he was glad for the change of subject. “Grow my company. Invent more. I don’t know. What about for you, Nurse Taylor?”

  “For me? Oh well.” Her dimples deepened with her smile. “I’ve still got plenty on my to-do list.”

  “Such as?”

  Joan raised a brow at him. “You wouldn’t think my goals are much, Liam. They aren’t glamorous.”

  “Stop making my mind up for me and tell me.”

  “Talk bucket list with a handsome billionaire? I don’t think so, but I’ll tell you one.” She held up a finger. “I really want to make head nurse of the ER. That would be amazing and scary but so rewarding. You know?”

  Liam didn’t really know but he nodded. He’d hoped for something he could buy. Instead, he was smiling like an idiot because she’d said she thought him handsome. “What would you do as head nurse?”

  “I’d go head to head with the doctors for the sake of my patients and for the other nurses. No favoritism or looking the other way. I don’t care who’s on the board. The patient must come first.” Her serious expression broke into a smile. “I am absolutely sure you don’t care to hear about my work drama.”

  “There’s no reason you won’t make head nurse. I saw what you’re capable of, Joan. You were made to lead in a crisis situation.”

  He watched her trying to suppress a smile. “Thank you.”

  “Dinner is ready.” Hansen announced. “I’ll be serving you in the dining room, Master Liam.”

  “I’ll help you,” Joan said.

  “No,” Liam said firmly. “You’re our honored guest. Please allow me to serve you.”

  Joan gave him one of her brilliant smiles. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll take you to the dining room.” Cole offered.

  “What a perfect gentleman. Thank you.” Joan left on Cole’s arm. He stood taller with her on his arm and led her from the room.

  Hansen was setting domed lids down over plates when Liam found him in the kitchen. “Are you quite sure you want to help?”

  “Of course.”

  “You know, Master Liam, it’s not as easy as it looks.”

  Liam scoffed. “I’m certain I can carry a tray from one room to the next.”

  “I hope so, Master Liam. I don’t want Ms. Taylor to be wearing the roast I’ve cooked.”

  “How many courses are we having?” Liam asked.

  “Three. Salad, roast and vegetables, and then dessert.”

  Liam nodded wishing it were a five-course meal. Joan seemed quite enamored of the chocolate. Food might be the way to get her to open up about what she really wanted.

  “Pick the tray up with care, Master Liam.” Hansen leaned to the left as Liam lifted the tray. The covered dish on the right corner slid off the tray like it was magnetized to the floor. Hansen threw one hand up in the air. “Master Liam, really.”

  “It just jumped right off the tray.”

  Hansen gave him that doubtful look Liam had seen so many times before. He turned back to the counter and began making another plate of salad. With his back turned he missed the almost drop of another plate.

  Liam quickly set the tray back on the counter. “Why is it so unbalanced?”

  “Use two hands.” Hansen loaded the new salad onto the tray. Next, he added the pitcher of his homemade salad dressing. “If you break the salad dressing, Master Liam, I will not allow you to help me further.”

  “Got it.” He used two hands this time and was surprised how heavy the tray was.

  Hansen made a shooing motion. “Best get going before you lose anything else.”

  Liam made it through the swinging door without losing a single dish or the dressing. Joan was seated next to Cole in the middle of the long dining room table. The chandelier’s lights sparkled off the polished silver and probably the sweat on his brow as well.

  That same plate was teetering on the edge when he quickly set the tray down at the head of the table. He scooted the plate back into place and tried again bringing the tray all the way to the center of the table which was another ten steps.

  “I’d be recording this if you hadn’t broken my phone.” Cole grinned.

  Liam set the first plate in front of Joan and removed the lid for her. “Hansen’s seafood salad with his very own special dressing.�
� He set the other three dishes down for Cole, Hansen, and himself, the last plate clanging against the silverware and rocking the glass of water at his place setting across from Joan.

  Hansen makes this look effortless.

  Joan caught the glass before it spilled. When he looked up from the glass ready to see a look of judgment at his inadequate serving skills, he found her smiling at him. “Does Hansen have a name for his signature salad dressing?”

  “Not yet,” Hansen answered as he crossed the space with a pitcher of a pink sparkly punch and four full glasses. “I can’t quite pick a name. Perhaps after you taste it you can help me name it?”

  “I’ll brainstorm with you.”

  “Salad crack.” Cole pitched.


  Hansen served the drinks and left Liam to pour the dressing which suddenly seemed like a large task. “Tell me when,” he said and began to pour the dressing over Joan’s salad.

  “When.” She squealed almost immediately when a generous pour came from the small spout.

  Liam righted the pitcher only to have the dressing run down the side. Joan smiled up at him when he dared a glance in her direction. After that, every spill and clank of dishes and silverware was nothing, especially since it earned him one of her smiles.

  They made it through the salad and roast without any more major spills. Hansen insisted on serving the dessert on his own. The eager look he had in his eye gave Liam an idea of what he might be up to. Cole recognized the look as well because the three of them were all excited to see Joan open the cover over her plate. When she did and the gold box sat there with a red ribbon she squealed with excitement, her joy making each of them smile.

  “Who wants a piece of heavenly Madeline truffle?” she asked untying the ribbon. Watching her open the box as if it contained a diamond the size of an orange instead of chocolate, made him want to rush out and buy her a dozen Madeline truffles. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem anywhere good enough a thank you.

  Joan chewed her bottom lip, slipping the truffle from the gold silk bag inside the box. She cut the truffle into quarters handing both Liam and Cole their share on dessert plates. She stood and took Hansen his share.

  He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. “I hope it gives you the visions of heaven you hoped—” The doorbell chimed cutting him off.

  “Master Liam, you have another guest?”

  “That must be Alise. I told her not to travel in this weather.”


  Hansen left to answer the door.

  Oh goodie. I get to meet the annoying debutante.

  Joan returned to her seat to try the truffle. It had a rich earthy brown powder on the outside and the inside was a deep dark chocolate brown. Cutting into it with her fork she meant to savor every bite of the chocolate truffle wedge.

  Bellmen dressed in crimson red with gold trim crossed through the hallway with bag after bag of luggage. Alise did not travel light.

  “It’s like she’s moving in.” Cole chewed his wedge. “Mmm, this is better than I remembered.”

  Liam nodded and followed after Hansen as he chewed up his slice. “Funny, Cole.”

  Joan raised her fork ready to taste the truffle when a woman stopped in the hallway looking directly at Joan. There was no denying the woman was beautiful but not just beautiful. She was glamorous. Having just stepped in from a storm, her hair was only slightly tousled.

  And this must be Alise.

  Lowering her fork, she stood. Still taking in this gorgeous woman who managed to look like she’d just come off the set of some swimsuit photo shoot with her moist tan skin and dewy plump lips. Her huge doe brown eyes and dark lashes utterly feminine and thick.

  “Hello,” Joan said as she approached. “I’m Joan Taylor, it’s nice to meet you.” Joan offered her hand.

  Alise looked at her hand with disdain but then shook it. Hers was limp in Joan’s hand and made her want to recoil at once, but she stuck it out, her manners overruling her displeasure.

  “Such strong manly hands you have, Joan Cleaver or do you go by Jo?” Alise laughed with her lips pressed together.

  Liam joined them with Hansen wearing his poker face as they returned.

  “Joan Taylor. I go by Joan. I still don’t know your name,” Joan said knowing it was Alise.

  “Alise Crenshaw, I see you’ve met my friend Joan,” Liam said filling in the blanks. “I told you not to travel in this weather.”

  “This hotel is practically vacant with the weather. You couldn’t get your own villa?” Cole asked glaring at her.

  Hansen grunted a throat clearing. “Master Cole. Keep your manners.”

  “I’m not about to be away from my Liam.” She walked along the table and sat in Joan’s seat. “Who knows what kind of trouble my Liam would get into without me?” She ate the wedge in one bite, her eyes directed at Joan. “I’m so famished,” she said. “Please excuse my poor manners.”

  “I don’t see why we should,” Cole spoke up again. “That wasn’t for you.”

  “It’s really okay, Cole,” Joan said. “If she’s so hungry she isn’t even concerned about eating after someone else, she must truly be starving.”

  The purplish blush that colored her cheeks was encouraging to Joan in that at least she was holding her own with Alise.

  “How did you meet Cole?” she asked gesturing with the fork inferring with the motion that Joan and Cole were an item. “Did he dare you to do that with your hair?”

  Joan wanted to flip her off and Heimlich the Madeline truffle right out of Alise, but instead she laughed. “Oh no. I met him when I was saving his life. Was it a dare that won you introductions with the Wainwrights then?”

  “Our families have been friends for generations.” She smiled at Liam. “In fact, we are in business together. Well, not Liam and me of course. He and my father are in the process of making history with a new invention.”

  “I doubt Joan has any interest in my business,” Liam said.

  Alise stood up. “I’d love to see this place. I’ve been sitting on the ride here for at least three hours. Stretching my legs sounds divine. Where are we sleeping, baby?” Alise asked Liam.

  Gag. Desperate much?

  Alise ran her hands over the nude fitted mid drift continuing over her bony hips and matching long skirt. “I’m a little damp. I know you’ll warm me up.” Alise kissed Liam with an open mouth.

  Joan wasn’t in the mood to watch the performance. Instead, she busied herself gathering the dirty dishes to take to the sink.

  “I’ll show you our room and you can change. Hansen will make you a plate of food and you can join us. We were watching movies.”

  Her smile didn’t falter. A waft of expensive perfume from Alise drifted to Joan and she couldn’t stop herself from inhaling the exquisite scent. Alise with her flawless skin and silky black hair looked picture perfect standing with Liam.

  “The food is in the kitchen, Liam. Let’s go select the next movie. The Frisco Kid is a good one. Have you seen it?” Hansen asked offering Joan his arm.

  “No, I haven’t.” Joan left with Hansen returning to the entertainment room. Cole and Hansen started apologizing at the same time in a mess of words that couldn’t be understood with them both talking at once.

  Joan waved at them to be quiet. “Listen, it’s fine. She’s not the first gold digger I’ve ever met. Obviously, my clown hair is intimidating and she had to mark her territory.” They laughed with her as she settled herself into a chair. “I have my life waiting for me in Phoenix. I never intended to be intruding on you like this.”

  Cole fell into one of the entertainment chairs like a sack of potatoes. “You’re not the one intruding. She is.”

  Not if Liam invited her. He wanted her here.

  “I have no idea what he sees in her.” Cole groaned.

  Joan laughed. “You know, Cole. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you were a little bit older I would be gobbling you up with a spoon. You are quit
e a man. Thanks for standing up for me with Alise.”

  “Liam would have. He’s just caught between a rock and hard place until he gets his own laboratories up and running. That is the only thing he sees in her. It has to be, she’s so annoying.”

  I’m not blind, Cole, but you’re sweet to try to save my feelings.

  Hansen held up the plate with his wedge of chocolate. “Please, take this. I so wanted to see your face when you tasted it.” Joan smiled at him and then at Cole whose scowl brightened to a smile.

  “I’ll split it with you. Deal?”

  “Of course.”


  “What the hell are you doing here, Alise? Are you crazy? I told you on the phone the weather is horrific. You could have been hurt.”

  Alise frowned slightly. “I am in love with you, Liam. Doesn’t that mean anything? I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.”

  “What does that have to do with traveling in the middle of a hurricane?”

  “You are here with another woman. I can’t just stand by and hope she doesn’t seduce you.”

  Liam laughed. “I’m not seduced. She’s not trying to seduce me. You’re acting jealous and you were rude.”

  “Daddy wasn’t happy to hear you were with another woman.”

  Liam’s smile fell. Mr. Crenshaw and he were in the middle of a very important business deal. “Why would you mention it to him anyway? Don’t you trust me?”

  “He asked me where I was going. I tried not to tell him.”

  Sure you did.

  Liam gritted his teeth closing his eyes. “You saw her. She and I can’t stand each other.”

  “Then why is she here?”

  “She literally just saved my brother’s life. He was all but dead. I thought he was dead and she saved him. Do you understand that?”

  Alise dropped her purse and leaned into him. She kissed him pressing up against him. It was a move he normally would have appreciated but not while she was holding her father over him trying to force him to behave as she wished.