An I.O.U. from a Billionaire Read online

Page 4

“You’re in the Florida Keys? Are you serious? Who is your patient?”

  “Cole Wainwright.”

  A screech pierced Joan’s ear and she moved the phone away from her ear. “Shut up! You liar.”

  “I’m not lying and right now I seriously wouldn’t care if it was the President of the United States’ daughter. I cannot get transferred to New Henrich.”

  “Is Liam Wainwright with him? What about Tatum?”

  “Mae, would you please focus. I’m not getting back until late tonight. I’m not scheduled until Monday and neither is Earl. Run interference if you see him there before then. Will you?”

  “Yes, of course. But seriously, I need details.”

  Joan laughed at the pleading tone in her friend’s voice. “Liam is here too.”

  “He’s like American royalty! You could be a princess.”

  “Ohmigaud, Mae. Shut that down right now. He’s just another Earl, only richer and with more power. I’m running from the Wainwright’s as soon as I know Cole is safe.”

  Even without a sound coming across the line, Joan could feel her friend smiling. “What are you wearing? Please tell me you did your makeup. You’re not walking around with a naked face again are you?”

  “Naked is how I roll.” Joan laughed. “Mae. I need to go and get back to the airport. I’ll check in with you later.”

  “Lip gloss wouldn’t kill you, a touch of mascara, that’s all I’m gonna say.”

  “Goodbye, Mae.”

  The doors opened as people pushed into the lobby. They were soaking wet. Sheets of rain hammered the ground outside. Joan groaned knowing she’d look like a drowned kitten when she showed up to the airport. Oh well.

  Approaching the desk to be let into the back, her eyes snagged on the television in the upper corner of the lobby where the local news was on. The words running across the bottom of the screen read “Extreme Danger Hurricane Warning. Airport closed. No flights until the storm passes.”

  “What? The airport is closed?” She found herself asking the registration attendant.

  “Yes, ma’am. I believe so.”

  Joan looked up at the ceiling holding in a groan. “Okay. Would you please let the doctor or nurse assigned to the Wainwright’s that I’m in the lobby if they have any questions for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Oh, and these storm warnings. How long do they usually last?”

  The attendant shrugged. “I couldn’t say but this is a high-level hurricane warning so I would plan to stay in Key Largo for at least the next twenty-four hours.”

  “Thank you.”

  Joan sat in one of the chairs in the waiting area.

  It was tempting to moan and groan, but she didn’t. Earl might think he had the power to ruin her life, but he didn’t. If he succeeded in getting her kicked out of the hospital she didn’t have to go work at New Henrich. She would simply apply at another hospital. It might not be the gem of Phoenix but there were other hospitals that were almost as good.

  Closing her eyes, she rested her face in her hands.

  I am not finished fighting. I am not going to give up.

  Liam’s phone started ringing. The name on the display belonged to the other Wainwright brother, Tatum.

  Should I answer it? He might be concerned over Cole.


  “Who is this?”

  The angry tone of his voice took her off guard. “I’m… it’s…”

  “Hello? Is Liam there?”

  Joan exhaled the tone of Tatum’s voice irking what was left of her nerves. “No. He’s not here. He’s with Cole.”

  “This must be the little bimbo trying to seduce my brother? Listen up, you blue eyed, little slut, whatever you did for Cole that makes him think he owes you anything is bullshit. That goes for Liam too.”

  He can’t mean me.

  “I’m sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone else.”

  “Like hell I am. I’m looking at a picture of you right now. Blue eyes, long brown hair, an entitled expression on your face.”

  Joan picked up the end of her golden-brown braid as his insults began to sting.

  Tatum continued. “Cheap ass jeans. You’re a dime a dozen just not worth as much.”

  What the hell? Did Liam text this asshole my picture and say all this crap about me?

  Joan’s spine snapped straight. Fury roiled within her burning away the disappointment she’d been feeling. “I’m not trying to seduce anyone, and I made it very clear that neither Cole nor Liam owes me anything, you rich prick. Whatever Liam told you about me was a huge exaggeration. Any man worth a grain of salt wouldn’t talk to a lady the way you have, but I guess all the money in the world still can’t buy class.”

  She hit the end button, glaring down at the phone in her hand.


  Cole was given a nebulizer breathing treatment and prescribed prednisone to help with his asthma. The doctor gave Cole a lecture about staying ahead of his asthma. Liam listened and hoped that Cole was too.

  Once Cole was cleared to go, Liam gathered up their belongings. The doctor assured him that as long as Cole kept in front of his asthma he would be fine. The heart irregularity seemed to have been due to the lack of oxygen and probably in response to the worst turbulence Cole had ever had to endure.

  Liam hoped that Joan didn’t leave his phone with the staff and jet out of there. He couldn’t blame her if she did. Finding Cole with that con-girl and her claws buried securely in Cole’s heart had Liam not acting himself. Liam knew he’d been an ass.

  When he spotted her in the lobby glaring at his phone he was relieved. Here was a second chance to make a better impression with the woman who’d saved Cole.

  “Joan, you’re still here.” He gave her the smile that always made the ladies smile back.

  “Yeah,” she said with bite and fire in her smoky blue eyes. Her chest rose and fell in a heavy breath. “Thought I’d take off with your phone? Bet this is a real shocker for you then.” She thrust the phone toward him.


  She looked like she was ready to storm out of there. Liam didn’t take the phone from her hoping to buy some more time. “Listen, I know I was a real jerk before. I apologize for that. It’s been a really bad day. I truly am very sorry for everything.”

  Her brows raised at him, the iciness of her eyes nowhere near defrosting. Liam reminded himself that he owed this woman for saving his brother and attempted to push down the annoyance he felt at her stubbornness.

  “I heard the airport is closed. I feel terrible that you’re stranded here when you clearly had somewhere else to be. Please allow me to arrange your accommodations.”

  Joan shook the phone at him. “Will you please take this? I wouldn’t want to seduce you or Cole with this entitled expression I’m wearing.”


  Is she crazy?

  Joan thrust the phone at Cole. He took it with his mouth hanging open. “My brother is stupid, I’m sorry. Whatever he did, I’m sorry,” Cole called after her.

  “Shut up, Cole.” Liam ran after her catching her outside in rain so thick he was practically swimming. He caught her at the curb looking for a taxi. “Joan, stop.”

  She looked at him with rain running down her face, and the sight of her took his breath away. Her pink t-shirt was plastered to her form like a second skin, her full lips wet and those gray-blue eyes daring him to do something.

  He stepped closer to her, wanting to reach out and taste the moisture on her lips. “What the hell are you so mad about? I said I was sorry. I meant it. I want to do something for you to show my appreciation for what you did.”

  “You’re just so sure I’m after your money, aren’t you? You people make me sick.”

  “What are you even talking about? Is this a side effect from the inhaler? Or are you so self-righteous that you think you can just assume you know me based on one bad day?”

  Joan narrowed her fiery gaze at him. “I saw all I needed
to see. I know your kind. I don’t want anything from you.” She stepped back, unintentionally giving him a better view of her curvy body.

  “You don’t know me and if you did, you’d know that I’m not going to take no for an answer. I owe you. I pay my debts.”

  She laughed, wiping the rain from her face. “You hated my guts until I saved your brother.” She held up her hands. “Look I get it. You’re grateful. Overwhelmed I’m sure. It’ll pass. Goodbye, Liam.”

  As a taxi pulled up to the curb, Liam opened the rear door. He waved for Cole, who ran out into the rain. Liam signaled for him to climb into the taxi.

  “What are you doing?” Joan yelled over the pounding rain.

  “I’m taking us all to the only hotel in town with vacancies.”

  Joan glared at him but couldn’t seem to come up with an argument. She climbed into the taxi beside Cole and Liam climbed in next to her. The backseat was snug with the three of them. Her thigh sealed against his, Liam could feel the heat of her body through her thin wet jeans.

  “You’re a honey badger, mean, unfriendly, and unforgiving.” Liam growled when she shouldered him into the door to break the physical contact.

  “You remind me of when I step in dog poop. No matter how hard I clean the shoe, I can’t get rid of the smell. You’re like the smell that just won’t go away.”

  Cole laughed a loud full bellied sound.

  “Your eloquence overwhelms me,” Liam said with a smile.

  “Where to?” the cab driver asked.

  Liam gave the name of the only place he would stay in Key Largo. “Triple T.”

  His brows rose and he smiled. “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you always so mean to the men you like?” Liam asked Joan. “I like a feisty woman—”

  “I don’t like you.” Joan cut in. “I tolerate you.”

  Liam smiled. “Tell me how I can repay you and you won’t have to. Or is it this bickering game you keep starting that does it for you?” The blush that ran up her neck and into her cheeks warmed him.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Do you always accuse the women who disagree with you of being attracted to you? You’re so conceited.”

  “I do when they obviously are.” Liam looked intentionally at the ceiling to stop his gaze from looking at the shirt plastered to her breasts. The last thing he needed was this crazy, high-strung female thinking he was into her.


  Getting away from Liam Wainwright was the best thing she could do for herself.

  He is calling me self-righteous and insinuating that I am judgmental when he went and bad mouthed me to his brother?

  “What were you doing in Dakota?” Cole asked her, saving her from continuing to flatter Liam with her attention since apparently any attention at all – good or bad – in his direction fed his huge ego. How he could make her so angry made absolutely no sense. This man’s opinion of her shouldn’t matter.

  “My sister’s wedding.”

  Cole nodded. “Whatever you were doing, I’m just grateful you were on our plane. The doctor said if you hadn’t stepped in, I’d be dead right now. Thank you for saving my life.”

  Joan smiled at Cole, who was easily sincere. “It was my honor, Cole.”

  “I said the exact same thing to you several times. Why are you angling all your hostility at me?” Liam asked.

  “Your brother is a gentleman. He thanked me beautifully. I don’t know how he ended up with all the manners, but he’s got them. Cole never tried to buy me off. This isn’t a business transaction.”

  “People shouldn’t be rewarded for stepping outside of their own lives and saving someone else’s?” Liam laughed. “It would be ungentlemanly of me not to show my appreciation with a gesture of some kind.”

  The car slowed as the taxi driver pulled up to an iron gate. He lowered the window and a guard approached the car. “Name please.”

  “Wainwright,” Liam said.

  “And Taylor.” Joan added.

  “She’s with us,” Liam said.

  The guard nodded, smiling at Liam like they were old friends. “Of course, Mr. Wainwright. It’s a pleasure to have you back.” He signaled the other guard and the gates opened. “Have a wonderful stay with us, sir.”

  Liam inclined his head.

  This is some exclusive billionaire resort? How in this world of no money trees am I going to pay for a room here?

  Liam’s heavy gaze was on her. She could feel it.

  “You look tense. Everything okay?”

  Heat blossomed over her skin. There was no way she was admitting to Liam she couldn’t afford to stay here. No way she was allowing him to pay for her room either. “I’m just fine.”

  Liam opened the door and got out. She stepped out, and Cole climbed out after her. Liam paid the driver who smiled like he’d been handed a winning lottery ticket. The Triple T looked like a tropical palace with umbrellas, waterfalls, and huge white columns.

  I can’t afford this place.

  Joan climbed back into the taxi. “Do you know of any hotels that have any vacancies?”

  “Most have vacancies, ma’am, with the storm.”

  Joan looked pointedly at Liam. “Is that right? Can you recommend one with an economic price that isn’t scary?”

  “Key Atlantic Resort is very nice.”

  Liam leaned in the open door. “You’re not running away from me are you, Joan?”

  Her heartbeat sped up. “Who’s running? I’m returning to my realm of life. Good luck with yours.”

  “I’m not done with you yet, Ms. Taylor.” He closed the door.

  The taxi driver pulled away leaving the Wainwrights behind them. Joan relaxed against the seat with a loud groan. The driver smiled in a knowing way that she didn’t enjoy.

  “Hard on the man, weren’t you?” he asked once they were outside the gates.

  “He had it coming. Trust me.”

  The driver shook his head with a chuckle. “Life is short, pretty lady. I hope you don’t look back and regret losing your chance to stay in such a beautiful place.”

  “I won’t,” she said and meant it. Another moment with Liam Wainwright and there was no telling what she might do or say.

  Damn him for getting under my skin. Brazen. Arrogant. Sexy. Ass. Wait, sexy? Where did that come from? Sure, he was handsome, but what did that matter when he was such a blowhard?

  No matter what he’d said he wasn’t going to track her down. A billionaire like Liam Wainwright probably had the attention span of a toddler hopped up on sugar.

  Goodbye, Liam. She thought looking over her shoulder as the huge gates were lost in her view. A sadness she didn’t want to analyze stirred in her chest.

  Instead, she gave the taxi driver some health advice about a lumbar cushion for his back, ab exercises, and stretches that would ease the stiffness he endured after a long shift of driving.

  Key Atlantic Resort gave her a killer deal on a villa that was situated close to the hotel with a view of the ocean. There were others right on the water but with the hurricane approaching she wasn’t about to be set adrift.

  The villa was surrounded by beautiful greenery from immaculate lawns and bushes to coconut palms and big leafy trees. The porch was a stark, refreshing white against the emerald surroundings. Seating on the porch included a porch swing and bench.

  If it wasn’t still raining she would have plopped herself in the swing and enjoyed the tropical scenery and scents. Too wet and dark to enjoy it, so she hurried inside. Locking the door behind herself, she began to peel off her soaking wet jeans.

  Down to her birthday suit, she crossed the living room, passed the kitchen, and took the stairs to the second floor. The full bathroom shared by the two bedrooms was large, including a bathtub with a waterfall shower feature.

  “You’re so beautiful.” She smiled at the shower. Turning the handle, she squealed with excitement as the water poured out in one solid stream like a huge bubble about to pop. Joan jumped in and moa
ned with pleasure as the heat of the water chased away the cold. With no reason to rush, she took her time. It was nice to finally slow down.

  When she emerged from the shower she wrapped herself in a fluffy white towel. The only luggage she had was her purse with her bridesmaid dress in it. Not about to climb back into that dress, she secured the towel in a knot over one shoulder so she wouldn’t have to hold onto it.

  Yawning, she made her way back down the stairs so she could hang up her clothes to dry. She knew she should probably eat something, but now that the adrenaline had fully crashed from her system, she didn’t even want to climb the stairs to return to the bedroom.

  She checked the locks, hung up her purse, and then sank into the couch in the living room area. The blinking light on the phone flashed an orange light across the kitchen like a hazard sign.

  I’ll just close my eyes for ten minutes. Then I’ll check my messages.


  A steady thumping sound woke her from the warm cocoon of the couch. The cushion under her head was wet with drool, which always seemed to happen when she was especially tired.

  “No room service,” she called in the direction of the door. “I’m sleeping.”

  The knocking persisted.

  Joan squinted up at the brightly lit windows remembering where she was, and if it was bright outside, then it was the next day.

  I really should have set an alarm.

  Catching her reflection in the mirror next to the television she groaned. “Damn humidity.” Her naturally curly hair stood out all over like she was wearing a brown clown wig. She tried to push it down and frowned as it bounced back out with no sign of progress.

  Joan yanked open the door with a scowl on her face.

  Liam stood there. His eyes widened. “Were you electrocuted?”

  “Do you have a death wish?” She glared at him as he continued to look at her hair. “What? What now? What could you possibly want at this ungodly hour?”

  “You didn’t call me back last night, and I became worried when you didn’t answer your phone this morning.”

  Joan rubbed the sleep from her eyes with the back of her hand. “Did it ever occur to you, Liam, that maybe I don’t want to talk to you and that’s why I’m not answering your calls?”