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- Olivia B. Dannon
An I.O.U. from a Billionaire Page 2
An I.O.U. from a Billionaire Read online
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Liam snorted at the blindness of his younger brother. Their mother, Fran Wainwright, would have made Marlene pay for threatening her baby boy. Mr. Hursh too. Her tiger claws would have come out with a vengeance and they would have scarred the Hursh’s for generations.
“Tell her all about it when she gets back then.”
“Now that she knows the baby will be safe, and that she has the money she needs for the baby, she’ll be herself again. Marlene was just scared.”
“The more you talk, the more I want to knock some sense into you.”
Cole reached for the door handle.
Fear shot through Liam and he swerved into the right lane cutting off the oncoming car as he reached across pulling the door shut, to keep his brother inside the car. “If you do that again, I will kick your ass. Do you understand me?” Liam’s voice boomed with the loud horn sounding from the car behind them.
The car rental place was just beside the airport. Liam took the turn into the parking lot.
Cole threw open the door as soon as Liam put the car into park. Liam cursed under his breath as he retrieved Cole’s satchel and his own. When he got out of the car he spotted his brother on his cellphone.
“Shit.” Rushing forward he heard Cole.
“I don’t care who’s baby it is. I love you. Please, Marlene, don’t cut me out of your life.”
Liam took the iPhone and snapped it in half. “Do you hear yourself? Get a grip. You’re a Wainwright, dammit. She doesn’t deserve you. She’s trash.”
A woman in an elegant, navy blue gown and pink cowboy boots was stomping toward them. Her almond-shaped, blue-gray eyes were cutting as they ran over him. Several golden-brown curls had escaped from the loose French braid in her hair, framing her face and softening the look she was delivering.
She was dragging a red suitcase that was being marked up by the dirt and mud she was marching through. Her eyes hesitated on his loafers before the brown brow over her right eye arched up. “Nice driving, Richie Rich.”
He was so pissed at his brother he didn’t even think before he responded with, “Thanks. Nice luggage, spend a whole twenty bucks on that suitcase?”
Her fair skin warmed by the sun, the softness of her hair, and her full pink lips sitting slightly upturned in the corners had Liam pegging the woman as soft spoken and unconfrontational. He was already giving her his back in dismissal so he could find the inhaler for Cole.
“Yeah, twenty bucks. My suitcase will get dusted off and be good as new. Your twenty grand slippers are ruined from one walk through the mud.”
“They’re ten grand.”
“What a bargain.” She smiled. “Excuse me.” She tried to move around him but he wasn’t about to get stuck in line. Cole would be on a payphone or trying to escape and hitchhike back to Marlene.
He blocked the door with his wide frame and took hold of Cole. “You are excused.” Pushing Cole through the door first, he followed him inside.
“Are you serious?” He heard her ask as the door closed behind him.
Cole tried to take his satchel from Liam but Liam didn’t allow it. The last thing he needed was Cole taking off so he held onto it. “Find your inhaler.” He commanded, opening the flap to give him access.
“You find it.” Cole growled before coughing into the curve of his arm.
The woman was dragging her soiled suitcase through the doorway as the man behind the desk called out, “Next.” She rushed forward almost butting in front of him but he slid up to the desk just in time to beat her there.
“I’m in a hurry. Please let me go first?”
“We’re all in a hurry, lady.” Liam set the keys to the rental on the desk.
The hiss of annoyance coming from the woman behind him added to the coughing from his brother. “Your mother must be so proud.”
Liam ignored her statement. “Let’s waive the once over on the car. There’s no damage,” Liam said setting a fifty dollar bill down next to the keys. “You’ll want to check her car very well. She was swerving and leaning on the horn when I pulled in. Women drivers. Am I right?” He laughed looking over his shoulder at her.
The pink in her neck crept up her cheeks. The whites of her eyes became more visible as she widened her captivating blues at him. Her nostrils flared and she appeared to be counting to herself.
“Yes, sir.” The clerk smiled broadly.
Joan, you cannot strangle this man. Even if this blowhard deserves a serious beat down you are going to let it go because you have to beat Earl back to Connie.
Her attention turned to the boy who was clearly struggling with asthma. She nearly told the young man to go to a hospital but he finally plucked an inhaler from a satchel. It went right into his pocket as the asshole with the ruined loafers pushed him ahead.
“Don’t even think about getting on a payphone.” He warned the younger man.
“Do you know who that was?” the clerk asked Joan as she set her keys on the desk. He leaned forward. “That was Liam Wainwright, the billionaire.”
Well, of course it is. That’s why he’s such an ass. Money always does that to people. Too bad.
“Yeah. Cool. So am I good? Can I go?”
He tilted his head. “I am gonna have to take a look at your car, ma’am.”
“He was kidding about my driving. I didn’t damage the rental.”
“It’s policy.”
Joan forced a smile. “Unless I slip you a fifty, right?”
He shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt.”
“Figures.” Joan dug out her wallet. “I have a twenty with your name on it if you let me go.”
“Make it two twenties and you’re on your way, Ms. Taylor.”
“This is extortion.” She put the bills on the desk and turned to fight with the suitcase.
Once she was outside, she spotted the shuttle at the end of the parking lot. The Wainwright Billionaires were boarding. Not about to be left behind to wait for the next shuttle, she hefted the suitcase onto her back and ran over the mud and gravel in her pink boots.
“Wait,” she called out spotting Liam signally the driver to leave. “Please, wait,” she hollered. Luckily the driver was a better man than Liam and waited for her to reach the shuttle.
Of course, it was crowded. She squeezed in between a man with armpit stains the size of dinner plates and Liam. It was the only place left to stand.
Joan looked for a chance to maneuver next to someone else, anyone else. Liam was insufferable.
It’s only ten minutes. You can make it.
To her surprise the driver made another stop, squeezing in four more people and their luggage. Two of the four had to be NFL players as they shoved their way in, pressing everyone closer together like sardines.
“You’re standing on my feet,” Liam told her.
Joan smiled. “Am I?”
“Yeah. Move.”
“Sure.” Joan turned digging the heel of her boot into the toe of his shoe. His groan of pain made her smile. “Better?” His breath running over her neck tickled her skin with heat, like fingers down her spine.
“Perfect.” More hot breath ran down the back of her neck. “Did anyone ever mention to you that you’re a huge pain in the ass?”
His scent was all around her, and dammit, it was intoxicating. Masculine and something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on. If she didn’t despise the man so much, she would have turned into Liam and filled her lungs with his scent.
Beeping, followed by the sound of a ringing near her ear, she heard the man clearly when he answered Liam’s call. “Master Wainwright, the Jet will be repaired and ready for flight by Wednesday.”
“That’s fine. We’ll be taking a commercial flight I take it?”
“I would be pleased to make your travel arrangements for you. When would you like to depart?”
“Within the hour.”
“Yes, Master Wainwright. I will make the arrangements for
you straight away.”
Must be nice.
“You make him call you master? That’s messed up.” Joan looked over her shoulder and up at Liam.
His intensely blue eyes regarded her through slightly lowered lids. His lips bowed in a frown. “Are you serious, lady? Stay out of my phone conversation.”
“Stop talking in my ear and I’d be happy to.”
“I’ll have to call you back, Hansen. There is a very annoying woman glued to me at the moment. Please put the family’s attorneys on alert. We’ll be needing them.”
“Very good, sir.”
Joan turned back around so she didn’t see him hit the “End” button as she felt him moving behind her to put away the phone. The young man on the other side of Liam was coughing again.
“Did use your inhaler?” Liam barked at him.
“When? I didn’t see you.”
The young man glared at the other. “Guess you missed it.”
Joan’s phone started ringing and everyone looked at her while she struggled to find it in her big purse. When she found it, she answered it just to silence it. “Yes? Hello?”
“Hey, Joan, are you transferring to another hospital?” her friend and coworker Amanda asked. “Your answer had better be no.”
“Earl and I broke up. He’s trying to get me transferred.”
“What can I do?”
“Set a meeting for me with Director Wheatley, will you? I’m on my way back.” The shuttle stopped with a jerk sending her into Liam, who caught her by both arms giving her another disapproving look. “Like I could help it. He slammed on the brakes.”
Everyone started shoving forward to get out. Liam released her arms to grab onto the back of his brother’s coat. Her phone was knocked from her hand and it crunched under Liam’s foot as he moved forward. Joan whimpered a sound she didn’t know she was capable of making.
“Of course, you dropped it. I suppose you want me to replace it?”
“I don’t want anything from you. It’s insured.”
His eyebrows drew together as he looked at her. He made an incredulous sound and then drove his brother off the shuttle like he was a steering wheel.
Joan picked up the phone. The screen was cracked, wet with mud, and black. She dropped it in the shuttle’s garbage on her way off the shuttle.
So you have to make it a few hours without a phone. You’ve survived worse.
“Just leave me alone.” Cole curled up in the hard, plastic seat at the gate.
Liam seated himself next to Cole. “I promise it’s not going to hurt forever. It’s going to get better. Use your inhaler.”
Cole ignored him. His face wet with tears again.
“You met her on the internet. How much could you really love someone you’ve never met in person until five hours ago?”
“We skyped too. Shut up. You don’t get it.”
Liam sighed wishing he could shake the stupidity out of his brother. Cole was right about one thing. He didn’t understand how his brother had just handed over his heart to a complete stranger. Cole knew what a target their family had become in the last five years.
“I’ve got to make a call. You stay right here. Promise?”
Cole rubbed his palm over his forehead swiping his long blond bangs out of his face. “Yes. Go. Please. Just go.”
The hostile woman from the shuttle approached the gate. Her hair was half in the updo she’d woven in and half out from the wear of her day. Her makeup was gone except for the black smudges under her eyes from her mascara and eyeshadow.
She looks like she has two black eyes.
Her statement that she didn’t want anything from him had unexpectedly stung. Why he cared that she didn’t want any money from him or anything else he wasn’t sure.
He wanted to cling to the annoyance he’d felt toward her earlier but now she’d gotten under his skin. With her rejection, the annoyance had transformed into curiosity. Pulling out his phone and stepping away from Cole, he selected his attorney’s number. While delivering a quick rundown of what he needed them to do, he watched the woman.
She was perhaps twenty-two. Twenty-four at the most. Not especially slender. Her exposed arms were well defined but not what would be considered bulky. Navy blue rosettes ran across the bodice of the dress and over one shoulder. She was no longer lugging around the muddy red suitcase.
She hugged her pink and black purse against her chest as she leaned back in a chair several rows away from Cole.
His attorney explained how iron tight he was going to make the contract for Marlene to sign as a man in a suit approached the woman he’d been watching. He’d overheard her say on the phone she’d broken up with Earl and assumed this must be him.
Probably she would forgive him for whatever thing he’d done and that would be that.
Forget her.
Once he found the address from his GPS and gave it to the attorney, he ended the call. He was glad Cole had not overheard the penalties Marlene would be agreeing to if she would try to contact Cole. He was still too hung up on her to understand Liam was just trying to protect him.
When he turned back to the seating area Cole’s seat was empty.
“Dammit, Cole.” He ignored the gasps of mothers with young ones nearby and scanned the area for his brother.
Where are you, Cole? I’m going to kick your ass when I find you.
Stomping over to the desk at the gate, he cut in front of the man and woman already talking to the clerk. “Nearest payphone?” The clerk appeared to consider ignoring him, so he put both hands on the desk and leaned further in front of the man and woman who were glaring at him.
“That way.” The clerk pointed never looking at him.
Liam hurried in the direction she’d indicated and spotted Cole as soon as he saw the payphones. Cole had his back toward the gate, his head tucked forward with one hand gripping the side of the booth.
This was Cole’s last chance to talk with Marlene before she signed the contract. Liam slowed his approach. He wasn’t sure if it would be better to let Cole get off his chest whatever it was that was making him crazy, or to step in and end it for his brother.
I’m ending it.
“Tell her goodbye, Cole. It’s over.”
Cole slammed the phone down. “She already hung up. I just wanted to know why.”
“The money, Cole. It’s always the money.”
Cole hung his head. His lower lip was fighting to hold in his broken heart. Liam put his arm around Cole. “Want me to buy you a pretty girl to hang out with?”
“Shut up.” Cole laughed and then broke into a long violent coughing fit.
“Now boarding flight 747. First stop is Phoenix, Arizona, and then we’ll be continuing on to Los Angeles, California for our final destination. Now boarding our first class passengers.” The woman’s voice carried over the speakers.
“That’s us,” Liam said. “When we sit down on the plane you’re using that inhaler if I have to give it to you myself.”
Cole nodded, coughing again. The wheezing sound was bad. It made Liam’s chest hurt just hearing it. “When’s the last time you used your inhaler?”
“Shut up about my inhaler. You sound like Mom.”
The woman was also approaching the line with the man Earl following behind her.
“You’re in first class?” he asked, knowing he was being an ass.
“Yeah. Must have been all that money I saved when I bought my twenty dollar suitcase.”
Liam smiled, liking that she’d been quick enough to verbally smack him back.
“You spent only twenty dollars on your suitcase? Joan, that’s ridiculous. I should’ve guessed,” Earl asked from behind her. He laughed too loudly with his mouth opened too wide.
It fit her in a way that accented the elegant line of her neck. Or maybe, he just really liked her neck. He’d seen the way she’d responded with goose bumps to his breath o
ver that sensitive, smooth skin.
“How much did you save on your dress?” Earl put in looking to Liam for a nod that he didn’t receive.
This is the guy she was dating? What could she have possibly seen in him?
The clerk took their tickets. As Earl continued to try to banter with Joan. She did not respond to everything he said and when she did, her words were selected with the precision of a surgeon. She wasn’t losing her temper or blowing up, but the same couldn’t be said for Earl.
Liam followed Cole down the jetway to the plane. They were shown to their seats. Liam put in his drink order before the flight attendant could slip away. Thankfully he promised to deliver the bourbon as soon as they were in flight.
Liam opened the overhead compartment and took his time placing the two satchels inside. Joan was shown to a seat next to the attendant station – six rows in front of his own.
Earl was seated two rows in front of him and across the aisle. As soon as Earl was seated he was watching Joan, who didn’t turn and look at him even once.
“I’m just going to close my eyes,” Cole said shaking the inhaler, and Liam from his thoughts.
What am I doing? What do I care about Joan and her soap opera ex-boyfriend?
Liam sat down next to Cole.
Maybe it’s something in the air that has Cole and me acting like idiots. The sooner we get out of here the better.
As soon as the seatbelt light was turned off, Joan stood up and dug her overlarge purse out of the storage compartment. When she’d been waiting in line, she’d put a change of clothes in her purse and she was ready to make the change. The dress was beautiful but not warm in the least.
There was no line yet. She found one of the restrooms was out of order and was glad she’d gotten up to change right away. The first thing she noticed when she stepped into the small bathroom was the black crescents of smeared eyeshadow and mascara beneath her eyes.
“Oh that’s beautiful.” Joan laughed. She couldn’t go back in time and erase her messed up makeup. Using soap and water, she washed her face and used paper towels to clean off all her makeup.
Someone knocked on the door.