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An I.O.U. from a Billionaire Page 12

  “Well?” he asked once inside the elevator.

  Joan looked at the other people in the elevator and shook her head.

  “We were alone outside. Why didn’t you tell me then?”

  “Shh.” Joan fanned her face with her hand. “This isn’t easy for me.”

  Liam nodded smiling again. “I can see that. Is it really so hard to ask?”

  The elevator opened and Joan exited the elevator.

  “It’s money, right? Just give me the number.”

  “It’s not money.” Joan stopped in her tracks so fast he nearly ran into her. “Actually it is money. Uh, a donation um, to the hospital.”

  “That’s a tax write off for me. It’s not what I had in mind. I want to do something for you.”

  Joan nodded. “It is for me. Will you do it?”

  “Yes. But….”

  “Great. Let’s just tell the director that and then you can go. I can tell you have somewhere else to be.” Joan started walking again.

  Liam followed his jaw tight with displeasure. Apparently, a donation was all she was going to allow. It was a start.

  She knocked on the door.

  “Come in, Joan,” the same voice from the intercom answered.

  Joan’s hand was trembling as she reached for the knob and turned it. As the door began to open Earl came out of the office. His face was red, rage in his eyes as he looked from Joan to Liam. He leaned in close to Joan whispering something to her.

  “We’ll just see about that, won’t we?” Joan answered him not bothering to whisper back.

  Earl forced a smile onto his thin lips. “She’s not even half as fun as she looks.”

  I really don’t like you.

  “Dr. Grayson, you’re excused,” the woman behind the desk said in a no-nonsense tone. Earl stomped away slamming his hand against the elevator button. “I’m sorry about that,” Director Wheatley said as she closed the door behind them. She was smiling brightly at him. Her hands clasped together as she looked from Liam to Joan and back. She appeared excited. Her eyes twinkling.

  “Liam wants to give a donation to the hospital,” Joan said as she awkwardly patted his arm.

  “Wonderful, you’ll want to meet with President Little for that I’m sure. I paged him and he’s on his way here now. He was very excited to hear about you two.”

  You two?

  “About Cole and how we met and everything.” She was smiling at him but there was a nervous edge to Joan, something was off about her behavior.

  “Right.” Liam continued to watch Joan.

  Why is she so nervous?

  “Stranded by the hurricane in Florida must have been harrowing.” The director’s smile didn’t budge. Her gaze bouncing back and forth between Joan and him.

  Joan edged closer to him until their arms were touching. “I can’t deny there were a few harrowing moments,” Liam said wondering what Joan was doing. On the helipad, she’d looked at him with loathing, and now she was smiling at him and touching his arm.

  “Here he is.” The director gestured toward the door as an older man with dark gray hair and small glasses entered. “President Little, this is Nurse Taylor and Liam Wainwright.”

  The man was smiling like the director. Liam shook the president’s hand with a nod. “I’d like to make a donation to your hospital.”

  “Yes, so I’ve heard. We are thrilled to have you as a benefactor for the hospital, Mr. Wainwright, absolutely thrilled. I’d also like to wish you both my congratulations on—”

  Joan took hold of the president’s hand shaking it with both of hers. “Thank you so much, we appreciate your well wishes.”

  Well wishes for what?

  “I feel like I’m missing something here.”

  “You have some business you need to get to don’t you, honey? Let’s just get that donation taken care of so you aren’t late.”

  Liam snorted. “Sure, sweetcakes.”

  Honey? That has to be the nicest thing she’s called me since I met her.

  “As you wish. Please have a seat. Can we get you some coffee, tea, soda, water? Although, given the occasion, champagne is more in order wouldn’t you say?”

  “I suppose.” Liam sat down noticing that Joan was sweating. Something is definitely going on here. “Coffee, please.”

  The director pushed a button on her phone asking for coffee. She was watching Joan with a measuring gaze. Whatever Joan was up to, her boss was suspicious.

  Seeing Joan squirm in the seat next to him was oddly satisfying. She rarely lost her cool. He knew that after seeing her save Cole and dealing with Alise.

  She must have promised a huge donation.

  “Let’s get to it,” Liam said wanting to see just how much the penny-pinching nurse thought was going to ruffle his feathers. “How much did Joan say I was donating today?”

  “Nurse Taylor didn’t give us a number.” President Little laughed nervously. “I’m sure that your wife’s work is important to you. We hope you’ll be a benefactor for the hospital.”

  “She’s not my wife.” Liam corrected.

  President Little laughed again. “Yes, I suppose fiancée would be a better title until you two tie the knot.”

  Liam shook his head catching the pleading look on Joan’s face as he did. He stopped shaking his head and stared at Joan. Suddenly that nauseous feeling was back and his necktie was too tight. “Can I speak to my… to Joan alone for a moment?”

  “Of course.” The two left the room and closed the door.

  “I am not marrying you,” Liam said and ignored the injured expression that crossed over her face. He was still feeling sick from that wiggly, oozing stub, and the stench. “I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

  Joan folded her arms. “You’re such an asshole. I’m not asking you to marry me. Look, I’m in a complicated position. You gave me this I.O.U. card,” she said pulling it out and waving it at him. “And said that you wanted to repay me. I need you to give a donation to the hospital and pretend to be my fiancé. That’s all.”

  “Oh, well if that’s all,” Liam said dryly as he leaned out the window to get another breath of fresh air. “I can’t be engaged right now. I have business that will fall through if word were to get out….”

  “It’s not going to get out. You heard them. It’s a secret engagement.”

  Liam looked at her with bafflement. “Secrets get out.”

  “You owe me.” She met his gaze, no longer the nervous fidgeting woman who’d sat beside him.

  “What if I pay you a year’s salary and you can look for a new job?”

  “This is what I’m asking for. Either you’ll pay your debt or you won’t.”

  “Pretend to be engaged to you and be a benefactor to this hospital?”

  Joan nodded. “Only for six months.”

  “Six months? That’s a long time for something like this.”

  “You only have to pretend to like me whenever you pass through Arizona. Maybe to a hospital function or two and that’s it. Then I’ll tell them that we broke off the engagement.”

  Liam leaned on the desk. “A donation and a fake engagement are two favors. I expect a favor in return.”


  “Next month my family is hosting its yearly Halloween party. No matter how this farce of yours works out you will attend the party and meet the rest of the Wainwrights.”

  Joan nodded. “Fine.”

  “Deal.” Liam crossed to and opened the door. Taking the seat next to Joan and put his arm around her. Joan’s body stiffened at his light touch.

  Is it really so terrible to be touched by me?

  “JoJo assured me that we’re all keeping our engagement a secret. You can’t blame me for being careful. JoJo, working with the public as she does, could be targeted if word got out that she proposed to me,” Liam told the president and director as they resituated themselves.

  Joan exhaled a sound of annoyance that made him smile.

  “Of course.”
President Little nodded. “Safety is our top priority.”


  First, he’d nearly thrown up at the idea of being engaged to her and now he was playing with her hair and calling her JoJo? She wasn’t sure if she should be offended or just grateful that he was playing along.

  His fingers tickled the back of her neck as they grazed her skin. A shiver ran down her spine. She looked at him.

  Is he doing that on purpose?

  Liam glanced in her direction with a smile that told her he knew exactly what he was doing. Reaching back, she took hold of his hand and held it in both of hers on her lap.

  “We have a benefit tonight. I’m told you’re attending.”

  “The benefit tonight?”

  President Little nodded at Liam. “Yes, you called and reserved two seats at the Hawthorne table.”

  “Westley Hawthorne’s table. Yes, I suppose I did. Slipped my mind I guess.”

  His hand squeezed hers in her lap and continued to tighten.

  Joan pressed her lips together to hold in the yelp of pain.

  “Although, I see one for you and one for an Alise Crenshaw?”

  Oh. That’s why my hand is in a choke hold?

  “I’m working tonight. Alise is a family friend,” Joan said pinching his squeezing hand.

  Liam looked at their hands and immediately loosened the grip.

  “Ah, well.” President Little’s smile returned. “I was worried that perhaps… well, things between you and Nurse Taylor weren’t as serious as she interpreted.”

  As she interpreted? So it would be my fault? And hello I’m sitting right here.

  “We are engaged. Next to marriage, it’s as serious as we can be.” Liam met the president’s questioning gaze as if what he was saying were true.

  “Glad to hear it. We’ll cut Joan’s shift short today. No need for her to miss out on the event. Right?”

  “I just got off vacation. I couldn’t possibly expect someone else to cover—”

  President Little held up his hand silencing Joan. “It’s been decided. We’ll talk donations tonight.” He stood up. Liam did as well and Joan watched them shake hands. The director was looking at her again. Joan smiled, standing too.

  “It was nice to meet you,” Director Wheatley said to Liam.

  “Nice to meet you too,” Liam said, hooking his arm around Joan’s waist.

  Liam steered them out of the office after President Little. Once they were in the hallway, however, he made a sharp right and then another. Backing Joan up against the wall he leaned in close to her. “Alise is coming to the event tonight. How the hell are we supposed to pull this off?”

  “It’s not like anyone is going to bring up the engagement. We’ll make sure President Little sees us dancing once or twice. We’ll sit at the same table. Easy.”

  “Easy? Do you remember Alise? Dancing with you once will have her seething.”

  Joan exhaled reminding herself to breathe as her heart sped up at his nearness. “I’m quite sure you can reassure her. Give her another tennis bracelet or a diamond tiara.”

  A hard look etched his features. “Right. Fine. I’ll handle Alise.”

  “Great, problem solved.” Joan ducked under his arm to leave. Liam moved with her keeping her pinned between him and the wall. “Do you have something to wear to the benefit tonight?”

  Joan narrowed her eyes at him. As a matter of fact, she didn’t have a suitable dress. She’d borrowed one from Mae for the last event she’d attended with Earl. But somehow, she still managed to take offense at his presumption that she didn’t have a gown.

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I have what I need.”

  “I do if you’re going to try to pull off the bridesmaid dress as a gown for this evening. People are going to see us together. President Little thinks you’re my date, and he’s seen my dates at past events. My personal assistant will be in contact with you to help you dress for the part.”

  Joan tried to keep her temper down but was failing. “Are you saying that I’ll embarrass you?” She jabbed him in the chest with her pointer finger.

  “I’m saying cowboy boots aren’t appropriate.”

  “I think we both know that I know that.”

  Liam looked pointedly down at her black bulky nurse shoes. “My personal assistant’s name is Evelyn. She’ll be in touch. Don’t blow this for me with Alise. Understand?”

  “As long as you don’t blow this engagement deal, Liam, I won’t cause any problems for you and your psychotic girlfriend.”

  “She’s not the only crazy one. You weren’t even going to tell me these people think we’re engaged.”

  “Keep your voice down.”

  Liam smiled. “Keep my voice down, make donations, pretend to be your fiancé. You’re making a habit of asking me for favors.”

  Joan tried again to escape him. He was starting to really piss her off. “It’s not a habit. It’s necessity.”

  “Is everything okay here?” Joan looked around Liam at the man in a doctor’s coat, not recognizing him. Lowering her gaze to his nametag she answered, “I’m fine, Dr. Clark. Thank you.”

  Liam turned so that she was no longer pinned. “I am Liam Wainwright. Nothing is going on here. Just keep walking.”

  Arrogant much?

  The doctor looked to Joan for confirmation. She nodded. “He has a rash he doesn’t want anyone to know about. Everything is fine.” Joan kept a straight face even though on the inside she was about to burst into laughter. She couldn’t help but be pleased with herself.

  “Even so, a respectable distance from the nurse is required, Mr. Wainwright.”

  Liam took a step back. “Better?”

  Dr. Clark nodded and continued down the hallway.

  “Very funny,” Liam said with no sign of any humor present on his face. “Don’t give Evelyn a hard time. Just do as she instructs.”

  “I am not going to be mean to someone who works for you just because you and I can’t stand each other.”

  Liam snorted. “I’ve negotiated deals with presidents, ambassadors, senators, and people who have more power and money than you could imagine. You are a walk in the park.”

  “Then this deal of ours should be easy for you.” Joan started walking intending to leave him there.

  Liam matched her pace. “You might want to sharpen up your acting skills. In the office back there, you did not behave like a woman in love.”

  “And you were the picture of a doting groom?”


  Joan laughed. “If you say so.”

  “President Little is suspicious. That’s why he wants to see us together tonight. So you’ll have to do better.”

  “You want me to act like your crazy girlfriend? No.”

  Liam held the door when the elevator arrived. “It’s your scheme. If you want to pull it off, you’d better up your game.”

  Joan stepped into the elevator and picked her floor. “Just remember,” she said to him as the doors began to close, “you asked for it.”


  He let the elevator doors close even though he wanted to get on the elevator and continue their discussion. Liam knew he’d been baiting her, challenging her, and Joan had risen to the occasion.

  Why he had expected Joan to back down or bend to his will he didn’t know. In fact, he wasn’t sure why he’d agreed to play the part of her groom. What kind of hair brained scheme had he just gotten himself involved in?

  His phone buzzed in his jacket pocket.


  “Leelee baby, there you are. I’ve been calling you on the hour for the past three. What have you been up to?”

  Liam cringed at the new nickname Alise had taken to calling him. “Business. I’m a businessman.”

  “You could have texted me something naughty to keep me occupied.” She laughed a nasal sound. “Now about tonight, am I the seductress or the elegant princess?”

  “Wear something conservative and
elegant. It’s a fundraiser for a children’s hospital.”

  Alise snorted. “It’s not like the children are coming to the event. Do you know what will be auctioned off yet? I need something pretty if I’m flying to Arizona.”

  “I got you something the last two events we attended, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, but I want something extra special this time. After all, you’ve been a naughty boy.”

  Liam pressed the elevator button. He still needed to go round up Westley. “Sure, sweetie, something special. See you tonight.”

  “Are you picking me up from the airport?”

  “Yes. I’m getting on the elevator and might lose the sig—” Liam pressed the end call icon. The nurse Liam had seen with Joan was in the elevator and grinned when she saw him.

  The doors closed him in with the nurse and she started talking at a clipped pace. “Joan is an amazing person. You are so lucky to know her. I hope you know that.”

  “I take it you’re a friend of Joan’s?”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t make what I just said any less true. I will seriously hunt you down if you break her heart.”

  Obviously, Joan returned from Florida with some fairytale version of what had really gone on. “In love with me, is she? Did she tell you that? I suppose she told you about our weekend together then too.”

  “In love? No. She says you’re arrogant and self-serving. And yeah, I know about this last weekend. Walked in on her and lost your nerve did ya?”

  Liam took a step back. “She told you about that?”

  “Yeah. She did. I know about the engagement too. Thing is, you two will be spending a lot of time together. I know she sees the good in people even when it’s not there.”

  “And you are?”


  Liam nodded. “Mae. I have a girlfriend, Joan probably told you about her. Right? I’m not interested in Joan. I’m paying a debt. That’s it.”

  “Really? That’s it?” Mae tilted her head. “You could’ve paid for a new hospital wing or something to save her job. You didn’t have to be her fiancé but I have a feeling you didn’t balk much at the idea of playing the role. I wonder why? Don’t you?”